Why Did Johann Cabrera (AKA Papa Jo) Drop Everything To Create...

Sober Dads Club...

Designed To Get You To Quit Drinking and Transform Your Life FAST!”

PLUS You'll Get Over $173

Worth Of 'PURE' Sobriety Hacking Information For FREE (Just For Saying 'Maybe'!)

All You Have To Do Is Say, "MAYBE" And The Gift Is Yours... For FREE!

When You Subscribe To Sober Dads Club Program, You'll Also Get A FREE Subscription To The Sober Dads Community - A $97 Month Value FOR FREE!

What Other Dads Are Saying...

I Want To GIFT You

Over $173 Worth Of Hard-Hitting, Sobriety Hacking Material......


Plus, when you say "maybe" and test-drive Sober Dads Club for a full 30 days, you'll also receive a subscription to our Sober Dads Community... completely FREE!

I can't stress how incredible this duo membeshp offer is - it might just be the two best Sobriety focused community resources in the world!

Think about it - you get the Sober Dads Club Membership, which teaches you battle tested sobriety principles, just for dads, and a supportive community of guys who just "get it"... no more "I really need to do something about this" or going at it alone.

That's not all! You also get our Sober Dads Community where my team and I show you how to navigate the nuances of sobriety as a dad with all of the pressure and expectations that entails.

I've been sober for over 15 years ... and I'll show you what works and what does not, so your time, money and patience never goes to waste again!

You Get When You Say "Maybe" Today!

Free Gift #1 ($497 Value)

"Live Daily Check-In"

Finally you’ll have space to talk about the pressure unique to You and be surrounded by other Dads who have been in your shoes.

Even if the closest people around have turned their back on you temporarily. You will be able to connect with your Dad tribe. 

You will be able to share your battle scars in a judgment free zone to help you fight another day.

Free Gift #2 ($1497 Value)

"1-on-1 Weeklies"

Talk about the specific triggers you experience when you get tempted to drink and design a custom plan to remove or avoid those triggers with your coach.

Don’t invent a new wheel. Use the same steps your sober coach has taken to remove the doubt of falling back to old patterns. 

The proven path to stop drinking and stay stopped!

Free Gift #3 ($997 Value)

"Behind The Scenes Man Cave"

The Man Cave Vault is designed to help you recharge each day with custom made coaching videos and a plan to tackle each day of your alcohol-free journey so you don’t have to worry about what comes next to achieve the freedom you’ve been longing for.

Free Gift #4 ($47 Value)

"Dad Playbook"

Release the pressure and answer quick rapid fire questions to build the mindset you will need to finish the day strong and set up another win for the next day.

Free Gift #5 ($9,997 Value)

"SOS Hotline"

If you’re ever stuck in a moment where you are about to drink and don’t have anyone on your side to help you walk away call your SOS hotline.

We will answer no matter the time or day to talk and help encourage you to walk away from the drink and back to the safe zone.

Free Gift #6 ($497)

"Discounted Ticket To Training Camp Live Events"

Our live events will...

That's Not All...

I Wanted To Do Whatever It Took To

Push You Over The Edge And Sign Up Today!

Listen, I know these teachings can transform any dad virtually overnight. That's why I'm not holding back and throwing in MORE high-level sobriety hacking material... completely FREE!

Here Are The BONUS FREE GIFTS When You Sign Up Today:

Legally Steal The Booze Free Road Map For Dads

Everything you need to stop and stay stopped on the alcohol-free journey to freedom.

This guide offers practical strategies and empowering insights for dads embarking on their sobriety journey, focusing on overcoming common pitfalls and transforming relationships with self and family. It's not just about quitting alcohol; it's about rediscovering and reclaiming the best version of yourself as a father.

Crucial Dad Convos

Ever want someone in your ear helping you say the right words to the most important people in your life. The crucial convos are the templates you can use to talk about your alcohol free journey with you inner circle:
  • What to say to your wife to start and continue on the alcohol free journey
  • How to talk to your kids about the path your on and alcohol going forward
  • ​How to talk to your co-workers and managers about why you are not drinking anymore

Dad Mission Guide

Embark on a journey of confidence and clarity with the 'Dad Mission Guide,' a tailored resource for dads navigating social situations while embracing a sober lifestyle. 

This guide is designed to equip you with the tools and techniques necessary to maintain your commitment to sobriety, regardless of the setting or occasion. 

From handling the nuances of social gatherings to confidently asserting your new lifestyle choices, this guide is your ally in confidently managing the social aspects of being a sober dad. 
  • What to say to your wife to start and continue on the alcohol free journey
  • How to talk to your kids about the path your on and alcohol going forward
  • ​How to talk to your co-workers and managers about why you are not drinking anymore

What The Other Sobriety Leaders Are Saying About Johann...

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.

PLUS You'll Get Over $173

Worth Of 'PURE' Sobriety Hacking Information For FREE (Just For Saying 'Maybe'!)

All You Have To Do Is Say, "MAYBE" And The Gift Is Yours... For FREE!

When You Say "Maybe" Today,
You Can Have ALL Of This...

  • FREE: Live Daily Check-In .................................................................. (Value $497.00)
  • FREE: 1-on-1 Weeklies ..................................................................... (Value $1497.00)
  • FREE: Behind The Scenes Man Cave ............................................... (Value $997.00)
  • FREE: Dad Playbook ............................................................................. (Value $47.00)
  • FREE: SOS Hotline ................................................................................ (Value $9,997)
  • FREE: Discounted Ticket To Training Camp Live Events ............... (Value $497.00)
  • FREE: Live Daily Check-In 
    (Value $497.00)
  • FREE: 1-on-1 Weeklies  
    (Value $1,497.00)
  • FREE: Behind The Scenes Man Cave (Value $997.00)
  • FREE: Dad Playbook 
    (Value $47.00)
  • FREE: SOS Hotline 
    (Value $9,997.00)
  • FREE: Discounted Ticket To Training Camp Live Events 
    (Value $4987.00)

Plus All Of These Bonuses Are Yours To Keep!

  • BONUS Legally Steal The Booze Free Road Map For Dads ........... (Value $29.00)
  • BONUS Crucial Dad Convos ............................................................... (Value $97.00)
  • BONUS Dad Mission Guide ................................................................ (Value $47.00)
  • BONUS Legally Steal The Booze Free Road Map For Dads 
    (Value $29.00)
  • BONUS Crucial Dad Convos 
    (Value $97.00)
  • BONUS Dad Mission Guide
    (Value $47.00)

Total Value: $3,708.00


"Do you have a guarantee?"
You Bet. Matter Of Fact, I Have THREE Guarantees For You

Guarantee #1 - 30-Day Money Back Guarantee

100% guarantee you'll love everything you receive, or I'll refund your shipping and printing costs and the gift is yours to keep.

Yes, you read that right. There's no need for you to return anything. Simply drop me an email or dial the number provided on your receipt, and your money will be refunded without question.

Plus, if you ever decide to stop your subscription you are free to cancel at any moment and still enjoy the everything we've sent your way!

Guarantee #2 - Dads AF Support For Success

We guarantee support. We know the journey of sobriety can get lonely, with plenty of bumps and unforeseen turns...

That's why if you have any questions or hang-ups on how to use the material, or need help with a strategy, you'll be able to reach via email and receive a response within a 24-hour period.

You don't have to feel alone anymore, second-guessing yourself. We truly care about your success, and that's why we'll be there every step of the way.

Guarantee #3 - My Ridiculous and Downright  365-Day Guarantee

No BS!

Use us for a full 12 months. And if you STILL don't experience transformative results in your business with the strategies... and you've given my team and I the chance to personally help you... then I will still refund your initial investment.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the success rate of Dad’s AF Club?

A: The success rate varies on the individual. However, studies have shown that people who participate in a community with a common goal are more likely to quit drinking and stay sober than those who do not.

Q: Will my insurance cover the cost of the membership?

A: It will not. However, we do provide an enormous value for the minimal fee required. 

Q: What are the benefits of joining this Dads Only alcohol free community?

A: Only other Dads can understand the burden and struggles we each face while alcohol has a grip on our lives. Having someone who has walked in your shoes or has similar struggles encourages us to get rid of our problem drinking together.

Q: What if I don’t want anyone to know I am joining Dads AF Club

A: We are completely anonymous and your participation is never shared unless you desire to do so. 

Q: How long does the program last?

A: We will equip you to pause or completely stop your drinking as long as you desire. That said, we see the best results happen after 6 months to a year. 

Q: How soon will I see results?

A: The moment you join will allow you to implement the changes you need to act and feel like your freedom from problem drinking has begun. You will be equipped with the answers of why it’s so hard for Dad’s to put the plug in the jug alone.

Q: What if I fall off the wagon?

A: You will be in a judge free zone where many of us have gone back to the booze but the point is we didn’t quit, learned from our setbacks, and got back on the horse. You can avoid ever having to pick up another drink by learning from our collective experience and success. 
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